New Delhi: A Maharashtra court on Saturday (March 4) granted bail to television actor Sheezan Khan in the Tunisha Sharma suicide case. The court has granted bail to Sheezan on a bail bond of Rs 1 lakh. Sheezan was arrested for allegedly abetting the suicide of his ‘Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul’ co-star and former girlfriend Tunisha, who was found dead on the sets of the TV serial on December 24, 2022. She was found hanging inside the washroom of the set.
Her mother registered a complaint against Sheezan and accused him of abetting her daughter’s suicide. She made several allegations against him and his family members, and accused him of cheating on her daughter. Tunisha’s mother Vanita Sharma also alleged that Sheezan and his family forced her to wear a hijab and made her learn Urdu.
For the unversed, Sheezan and Tunisha came close to each other during the shooting of their TV series ‘Ali Baba: Dastaan-E-Kabul’. However, he broke up with her in November 2022, almost a fortnight before her suicide. During his police interrogation, Sheezan said that he and Tunisha were in a relationship for almost three months, and they had a break-up due to their age difference and religions.
Tunisha’s mother had claimed that her daughter, 21, was in depression following the break-up and alleged that she took the extreme step because of Sheezan, 30.
Tunisha Sharma was earlier also seen in the TV show ‘Bharat Ka Veer Putra ‘Maharana Pratap’ and films like ‘Fitoor’ and ‘Baar Baar Dekho’.