Thirteen years after her debut in Bollywood alongside Salman Khan in ‘Dabangg,’ Sonakshi Sinha has firmly established herself in the industry, carving out a unique space for herself. Today, on June 2, the actress marks another milestone as she turns a year older. Warm birthday wishes and greetings have been flooding in from fans and friends on social media, but it was Sonakshi’s father, Shatrughan Sinha, who captured hearts with a special message for his daughter on her 36th birthday.
In a series of tweets where he shared photos of Sonakshi, the actor-turned-politician praised her for her “achievements” and “strength.”
Extending his best wishes and blessings for Sonakshi, Shatrughan Sinha wrote, “How beautiful times have gone by. On this great & auspicious day loads of love for the apple of our eye, for another wonderful year of fun, entertainment & great achievements. We are all so very proud of your strength & everything you have accomplished, especially the milestone you have created with ‘Dahaad’ which is the talk of the town today & one of the most wonderful films which adds another feather to your body of work, recently released on amazing Amazon Prime.”
Calling her “very special” to the family, Shatrughan Sinha showered her with his blessings and a lot of love.
How beautiful
times have gone by. On this great & auspicious day loads of love for the apple of our eye, for another wonderful year of fun, entertainment & great achievements. We are all so very proud of your strength & everything _ you have
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) June 2, 2023
In a touching gesture, the proud father shared a collection of pictures, delving into precious moments captured throughout Sonakshi’s life — from cherished family album snapshots featuring Sonakshi’s mother Poonam Sinha and twin brothers Luv and Kush Sinha, to endearing childhood photos, heart-warming father-daughter moments, and even glimpses from her debut OTT series “Dahaad.”
accomplished, especially the milestone you have created with ‘Dahaad’ which is the talk of the town today & one of the most wonderful films which adds another feather to your body of work, recently released on amazing Amazon Prime shall always
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) June 2, 2023
remain very special to us.May your special day bring abundance of happiness, joy & lots of love today & everyday. ‘Happy great day!’ _ _God Bless __
— Shatrughan Sinha (@ShatruganSinha) June 2, 2023
Reacting to the post, fans shared heartfelt wishes for Sonakshi in the comments section.
Upcoming projects
Sonakshi Sinha who recently made her OTT debut with the web series ‘Dahaad’ on Prime Video, has been receiving a lot of appreciation from the audience for her performance. The actress has several exciting projects in the pipeline, including the horror-comedy film ‘Kakuda, ‘Nikita Roy And The Book Of Darkness,’ and the much-awaited ‘Bade Miyan Chote Miyan.”