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Shakun Shastra: Know its significance and lucky, unlucky signs


Shakun Shastra: In Hindu religion, there is a custom of waiting for an auspicious moment to begin a new project or a significant trip. Shakun Shastra is based on the signs provided by the nature. Shakun Shastra is associated with that auspicious or inauspicious period which is known as “Omen Astrology“. Any event, good or bad, starts with nature. It is totally based on the personal experiences, our saints classified these occurrences as either fortunate or unfortunate.
Omen astrology should be checked before embarking on any major tour or before beginning any new work. An auspicious Shakun means your work will be done successfully, while an unfavourable Shakun means your work will be delayed or will not be done. In earlier times, kings used to seen their astrologer’s advice before doing anything new or stepping out somewhere for auspicious work. Animals play an important role in telling whether this will be a good or bad as they have an unusual power to indicate things which cant be seen by humans.
Shakun Shastra, the astrology of omens, or changes in the surroundings at the time a question is posed, a prediction is to be made. Omens are incidents or events that happen naturally and suddenly; they serve as warning signs of impending catastrophe. Depending on the situation, they can be seen as either positive or negative.
Let’s talk about few important Shakun’s or Omens astrology..!!

  • Black cat crossing the path is considered unlucky and sometimes it also indicates that you are affected by negative energy.
  • 1 Sneeze before starting something new is considered inauspicious. It is advised that if something like this happen then a person should sit down and attempt to go out a bit later.
  • 2 sneezes before starting something new is considered auspicious.
  • Dog barking for no apparent reason means illness or this also indicates something related negative energy around.
  • Spilling a matchbox means new person is coming for the singles and this is lucky.
  • Right eye twitching for female тАУ something inauspicious is about to happen and this is exactly opposite for the male.
  • Itching of left hand means money is coming your way so this is good sign.
  • Itching of right hand means money will be going out on unwanted expenses and this sign is considered bad.
  • Itchy feet means you will go on a family trip or a journey is indicated.
  • Spilling Milk/ burning or boiling milk out of the pan is not considered auspicious s one must pay attention towards it.
  • Breaking of glass suddenly is good as it takes away the evil eye or buri nazar.
  • Seeing a black cat in the night of Diwali is considered auspicious.

There are a lot of signs which indicates bad omens and good omens and here in this article we have given few signs which indicates auspicious and inauspicious shakuns so that people can understand about Shakun Shatsra..!!

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