Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan was at his witty best during an ‘Ask SRK’ session on Twitter, where he replied to varied questions from his fans. While some were about his acting career, a few also concerned the ongoing FIFA World Cup; one such question was on the upcoming final between France and Argentina, scheduled to take place on December 18. The fan asked Shah Rukh on which team would be be supporting, and the Indian actor had a cryptic response to the question.
“Arre yaar the heart says Messi no?? But Mbappe is a treat to watch also,” Shah Rukh wrote on his official Twitter account.
The Indian superstar had made a brief appearance in the pre-match show ahead of the semi-final of the FIFA World Cup between France and Croatia as well, and is set to return for the same ahead of the final.
Argentina qualified for the title clash after beating Croatia 3-0 in the semis, with goals from Lionel Messi and Julian Alvarez. Messi began the goalscoring for the side with a penalty goal in the 34th minute, while Alvarez scored a brace (39′ and 69′.
France, meanwhile, also registered a convincing 2-0 victory; Theo Hernandez opened the scoring in the fifth minute, while forward Randal Kolo Muani doubled the lead late into the second half.
Another fan asked Shah Rukh, “why Cristiano Ronaldo is better than Lionel Messi?” However, the Indian actor had a rather heartwarming response to the question.
“Just as advice don’t keep finding better….it destroys the good!” Shah Rukh wrote.
The actor is currently the co-owner of Indian Premier League franchise Kolkata Knight Riders, that has won the title on two occasions (2012 and 2014). Shreyas Iyer led the franchise in the 2022 edition and is expected to retain the role for the next season. KKR will be aiming at strengthening their squad in the IPL auction, that takes place on December 23.