Why is everyone so surprised? Yes, Shah Rukh Khan wore a blue wristwatch that’s reportedly worth almost five crore rupees. He is the Badshah of Bollywood and one of the world’s richest actors. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise when he casually flaunts his expensive taste. Eagle-eyed fans first noticed the stunning Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Perpetual Calendar watch when the 57-year-old attended Pathaan success meet with his co-stars Deepika Padukone and John Abraham and director Siddharth Anand. Later, King Khan appeared in Deepika’s Instagram video. Anonymous fashion and beauty Instagram account Diet Sabya too mentioned Shah Rukh Khan’s expensive wristwatch. SRK and Deepika Padukone Doing Skincare Routine Together in This Insta Video Is the Cutest Thing on the Internet Today!
Check Shah Rukh Khan in Deepika Padukone’s Instagram Video:
From Pathaan’s Success Meet
Fans Reacting to SRK’s Expensive Wristwatch
#ShahRukhKhan has been seen wearing a new blue #watch that retails at about ₹4 crore. Check out the details.#Bollywood #actor Shah Rukh Khan during a press conference to #promote his movie #Pathaan. pic.twitter.com/TsmYBIWZt7
— VISHAL PRABHAT (@TSS00W0Smy04sDM) February 10, 2023
Shah Rukh Khan’s blue watch might just be bigger than your retirement corpus🫠..#shahrukhkhan #srk #pathaan #deepikapadukone #mb pic.twitter.com/ZbqEE3mp82
— Anjali Tiwari (@Anjali2102000) February 10, 2023
It’s Truly His Universe
These two are simply breathtaking 😍 Watch them create magic onscreen with #Pathaan ❤️🔥
Book your tickets NOW: https://t.co/z4YLOG2NRI | https://t.co/lcsLnUSu9Y@iamsr @deepikapadukone @yrf#ShahRukhKhan #SRK #PathaanReview #DeepikaPadukone #JohnAbraham #YRF50 pic.twitter.com/MMrlg7ATYQ
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) February 9, 2023
Meanwhile, on the work front, Shah Rukh Khan is back with a bang, saving the Hindi film industry in the process. His spy-thriller movie Pathaan, which marks his return as the leading hero after a gap of four years, is declared an all-time blockbuster grossing almost 900 crores worldwide. It is chasing Baahubali 2’s nett box office collection to become a top-earning movie in Hindi.
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