Trollers should be careful of Shah Rukh Khan while messing with him as the superstar knows best how to beat someone with just his words. On Wednesday, Shah Rukh took to X and conducted an #AskSRK session to celebrate the trailer release of his upcoming film Dunki and the release of his daughter Suhana Khan’s film The Archies. “Because #Dunkitrailer aaya hai….Archies release pe hai….and I am just so happy and laid back. A few moments with you all of fun and funny answers.” Shah Rukh Khan Wears ‘The Archies’ T-Shirt As He Cheers for Daughter Suhana Khan’s Debut Film at Grand Premiere.
Check Out SRK’s Tweet Here:
Normally I don’t answer amazingly intelligent people like you. But in your case I am making an exception because I feel you need to be treated for constipation. Will tell my PR team to send you some golden medicines…hope u recover soon.
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) December 6, 2023
“Let’s do #AskSrk,” SRK wrote. SRK responded to several questions. He also reacted to a tweet that was quite negative. One of the social media users called SRK’s last two blockbuster films Pathaan and Jawan, “sh*t”. “Due to your highly effective and efficient PR team last two tatti movies of your became a blockbuster.. do you still hv faith in ur PR and marketing team that #Dhunki will also bcm a hit and will be a another golden tatti from #Bollywood #AskSrk ,” the user wrote.
SRK took notice of it and gave a befitting response. Shah Rukh said that he was making an exception because he believed that this person needed medication for constipation, and wrote that he would ask his PR team to send the troll some medication. “Normally I don’t answer amazingly intelligent people like you. But in your case I am making an exception because I feel you need to be treated for constipation. Will tell my PR team to send you some golden medicines…hope u recover soon,” he wrote.
SRK’s latest QnA left his fans in splits. A fan asked SRK if there are any ‘sax-sux’ (sex) scenes in ‘Dunki’. The tweet read, “Sir #Dunki me sax sux to nahi hai na. Papa ke sath dekh sakte hai ? #AskSRK (sic)”, loosely meaning, ‘Sir, there are no sex scenes (sax-sux) in ‘Dunki’, right? Can I watch it with my dad?’.
And SRK, being the wittiest ever, replied, “Sax Sux toh samjha nahi tickets pe Tax Tux zaroor hoga. Daddy se le lena. #DunkiTrailer (sic) (I don’t know much about sax-sux (sex scenes) but there is tax-tux (tax) in tickets. Take it from your father).
Dunki is helmed by RajKumar Hirani and also stars Taapsee Pannu and Vicky Kaushal. As per the makers, it is a heart-warming tale of four friends and their quest to reach foreign shores, it charts the arduous yet life-changing journey they are about to undertake to make their dreams come true. Drawn from real-life experiences, Dunki is a saga of love and friendship that brings together these wildly disparate stories, and provides hilarious and heart-breaking answers. Shah Rukh Khan Reveals What He Said to Kajol to Make Her LOL In Their Viral Pic From The Archies Premiere During Latest #AskSRK Sesh!
Replying to a fan who asked if Dunki is a family film, SRK wrote, “Saath waalon ki family ke saath bhi dekh sakte hain. Holiday time take everyone along my friend. #Dunkitrailer.” When a fan asked how he managed to ace both the young and old look in Dunki, the superstar replied, “One has to work on physical attributes to play different ages…prosthetics and vfx and whole lot of team members have to work very hard to try and get it right. Months of work. #DunkiTrailer.” SRK also praised Taapsee and Vicky over their command of Punjabi language.
“Not too many I don’t speak it too well so have left that part to @taapsee and #Vicky they are brilliant. #DunkiTrailer,” SRK responded to a fan who asked if he speaks Punjabi in the film. When a fan asked SRK the meaning of Dunki, he wrote, “Dunki is actually the Donkey Journey across borders without permits. In Punjabi dialect they pronounce it Dunki #DunkiTrailer.” Dunki, which also stars Boman Irani, will hit the theatres on December 21.