Shah Rukh Khan motivated 10th and 12th-class students who are giving their board exams. On Monday, the Pathaan actor conducted an #AskSRK session on Twitter, where he answered his fan’s questions. When a user asked him about to give few words of motivation for students of 10th and 12th who’ll face board examination in the next few weeks. Shah Rukh Khan Reveals Secret of Happy Married Life in #AskSRK Session, Says ‘Gauri Has the Most Simple Heart and Mind’ (View Post).
SRK replied, “Study as hard as you can. Do not get anxious. I used to carry a placard in the school march past…’do your best and leave the rest’ just don’t stress. All the best.” CBSE Board exams 2023 for classes 10 and 12 got underway across the country. The examinations of Class 10 and Class 12 are being held from February 15 to April 5, according to an official release from CBSE. Shah Rukh Khan Has This Valuable Advice for Students Appearing for 10th and 12th Board Exams 2023.
CBSE has made elaborate arrangements for the conduct of examinations in India and in 26 countries abroad to ensure that all the important information for the conduct of examinations is communicated to all responsible officials at the examination centres. CBSE has circulated detailed guidelines to all the stakeholders to ensure that the students are appearing in the examinations without any stress.
Apart from responding to tweets related to Pathaan’s success and upcoming projects, Shah Rukh also addressed questions related to his personal life.
Meanwhile, on the work front, SRK is busy shooting for Atlee’s directorial ‘Jawan’. He recently headed to Pune for the film’s shoot. The film, which also stars Nayanthara, is all set to hit the theatres on June 2 in five languages – Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.
Check Out SRK’s Tweet Below:
Study as hard as you can. Do not get anxious. I used to carry a placard in the school march past…‘do your best and leave the rest’ just don’t stress. All the best
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) February 20, 2023
It is billed as an event film with high-octane action sequences. Shah Rukh’s production company Red Chillies Entertainment has produced it. In June 2022, SRK unveiled the film’s teaser which opened with a glimpse of the Northern Lights over mountain tops. Apart from ‘Jawan’, SRK also has Rajkumar Hirani’s ‘Dunki’. The film marks SRK’s first collaboration with Taapsee Pannu.
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