New Delhi: Pushpa franchise star Allu Arjun has made a niche spot for himself with his power-packed acting prowess on-screen. While Pushpa 2: The Rule has emerged as the biggest of the year, the Icon Star has solidified himself as the biggest star in the nation. While Allu Arjun’s stardom was evident across the country, did you know that he and Bollywood’s Badshah’s bond goes long way back. In a recent event, Shah Rukh Khan revealed that he has many friends from the South, and Allu Arjun is one of the closest of them.
Yes, the Badshah of Bollywood, Shah Rukh Khan, named Allu Arjun first when mentioning his friends from South India. While addressing the audience, he said, “I have a lot of friends here, Allu Arjun.”
AlluArjun is the first name from #SRK saying I have many friends from south India @iamsrk at event in dubai@alluarjun #ShahRukhKhan
— Allu Arjun FC (@AlluArjunHCF) January 28, 2025
Allu Arjun has become the nation’s biggest superstar. His film Pushpa 2 is enjoying an unprecedented run in theatres crossing 50 days and more. The love and success that Allu Arjun enjoys is truly exemplary and unlike anything seen before.
The National Award-winning actor has emerged as a massive Pan-India star.