Sebastian Stan is in the midst of playing Tommy Lee in the upcoming “Pam & Tommy” miniseries, dramatizing the Motley Crue drummer’s short-but-turbulent marriage to Pamela Anderson (Lilly James).
The “Falcon and the Winter Soldier” star has gotten well into character for the role, judging by some video footage from the set that was posted on TikTok.
RELATED: Sebastian Stan Poses Topless In ‘Kiss Da Cook’ Apron On ‘Pam & Tommy’ Set
In one of several videos posted by the the TikTok user, Stan’s Winter Soldier knife-twirling skills are compared to his new drumstick-twirling abilities.
@laurenfromiowa New headcanon; Tommy Lee was the Winter Soldier #buckybarnes #sebastianstan #wintersoldier #marveledits #marvel #tommyandpam #sebastianstanedit
In another video, the shirtless actor is seen sitting behind a drum kit in what appears to be a cinematic recreation of a Motley Crue show.
Boasting Lee’s signature body tattoos, Stan rocks out as he pounds the drums in time with the music, bashing a few cymbals in the process.
@laurenfromiowa Reply to @m4rstan maybe the best 4 hours of my life #sebastianstan #wintersoldier #buckybarnes #sebastianstanedit #marvel #marveledits #tommyandpam
In one final video, Stan is seen walking up to the drums, attired in Lee’s signature ’90s look of no shirt, short shorts and black Converse sneakers.
@laurenfromiowa Reply to @olivias_pov_ y’all asked for it #sebastianstan #wintersoldier #buckybarnes #sebastianstanedit #marvel #marveledits #tommyandpam
Meanwhile, Stan has been sharing plenty of photos of himself as Lee on Instagram, such as these posts: