A journalist with a Malayalam TV news channel was allegedly assaulted and robbed by three men near east Delhi’s Sanjay Lake park, the police said on Sunday.
D. Dhanasumod, the Delhi bureau chief of Kerala-based MediaOne, filed a complaint that he had been robbed around 9 p.m. on Saturday, a senior police officer said.
Mr. Dhanasumod, 43, said he had taken a bus from his office on Panchkuian Road to Mangalam Chowk and was walking to his home when a man approached him near Sanjay Park lake asking for a matchbox. “When I told him I didn’t have one, two others came and started assaulting me.”
When Mr. Dhanasumod shouted for help, one of the accused struck him with a knife six to seven times. “They took my phone and wallet but fled after someone ran towards me after hearing my screams for help.”
The victim called the police with his other phone and was taken to Lal Bahadur Shastri Hospital for treatment. He received injuries to the abdomen, left hand and lower back.
The officer said a case under IPC Sections 394, 397 and 34 has been registered at the Pandav Nagar police station and investigation to nab the accused is under way.