The Pune City Police has arrested an employee of a scrap shop for allegedly causing fire at Mangalwar Peth’s Juna Bazaar on Wednesday morning, in which 10 shops were gutted, causing a total damage of Rs 34,17,245. No casualties have been reported so far.
The accused has been identified as Musaif alias Mushu Shaikh (35), a resident of Mangalwar Peth, said police, adding that an FIR was registered in the case at the Faraskhana police station on Wednesday.
The fire brigade control room received a call about the incident at 7.38 am on Wednesday, and teams of officials along with fire tenders and water tankers were sent to the spot.
They brought the fire under control by around 8.25 am. According to police, 10 rented tin shed shops of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), having electrical and mechanical items, were gutted in the fire.
Police have booked the accused under Indian Penal Code sections 427 (mischief causing damage to the amount of Rs 50), and 436 (mischief by fire or explosive substance with intent to destroy house, etc), said officials. ENS