‘Scared’ Vladimir Putin ordered death sentences against Brit fighters, expert claims – World News

After a three-day sham trial, Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner were issued death sentences by the supreme court of the rebel-held Donetsk People’s Republic

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Russia: Two British soldiers sentenced to death after capture

Vladimir Putin ordered the execution of two Brit fighters imprisoned in Donetsk because Russians are terrified of elite UK troops, an expert has claimed.

After a three-day sham trial, Aiden Aslin and Shaun Pinner were issued death sentences by the supreme court of the rebel-held Donetsk People’s Republic.

The pair were sentenced alongside a Morrocan-born soldier and all three have just one month to appeal the court’s decision.

Dr Huseyn Aliyev, who has undertaken extensive research on foreign fighters as a research fellow at the University of Glasgow, told the Mirror that officials in the DPR would have “definitely” taken orders from the Kremlin before the sentence was handed down.

He believes Putin will use them as bargaining chips for territorial concessions or sanctions relief, and to send a warning to other foreign fighters thinking of joining the Ukrainian armed forces.

But the tyrant also ordered their killing as a publicity stunt to calm the nerves of everyday Russians and soldiers who “fear” the elite UK and US fighters, Dr Aliyev said.

Before his arrest Mr Aslin, 27, contacted his family and revealed they had run out of food and ammunition



He told The Mirror: ” Russia also wants to send a signal to other foreigners fighting in Ukraine[…]

“The Russians are obviously quite intimidated by the foreign military personnel who have higher levels of training and combat experience.”

Prof Aliyev said at the start of the Ukraine would let anyone sign up, but tightened their selection criteria as the war rolled on.

Colonel Richard Kemp said Shaun Pinner, pictured, is a “hugely respected former soldier and everybody liked him when he served as a fellow soldier and friend”


social media/e2w)

He said: “They only accept those who have actual combat experience who’ve done missions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“So these are usually very experienced former or active service people from the US, Britain or Europe, with better training and experience than Ukrainian troops.

“They also know how to use the western-supplied weapons, like the Javelins, but also more sophisticated artillery systems.

British war prisoners Aiden Aslin (first from the left) and Shaun Pinner (second from the left) were sentenced to death penalty by a court in Donetsk


TV Zvezda/east2west news)

“So they’re highly valued in Ukraine, but they’re also much feared in Russia. “

As a response to the superior troops, Putin’s propaganda outlets have been fabricating reports of military defeats against these foreign fighters.

But most are “fake” with the soldiers still out leading their daily lives, Dr Aliyev adds.

He also believes Putin is using them as a means of shrouding his intentions of grabbing territory from Ukraine.

“It’s sending the signals to the domestic audience in Russia that basically NATO has invaded Ukraine, and that’s what Moscow is fighting against,” he explained.

British ‘mercenary’ Aiden Aslin who surrendered to the Russian army in Mariupol


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“The Kremlin is saying NATO and US British troops have invaded Ukraine and Ukrainians are just victims in this larger global conflict involving NATO, and Russia.

“This is very much falls in line with Russian propaganda efforts to present this conflict.”

Mr Aslin, 28, and Mr Pinner, 48, were detained in April while fighting in Ukraine, before appearing in court in the separatist Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR).

They are said to have admitted “training in order to carry out terrorist activities”.

Mr Aslin’s family said in a statement: “We’ve heard the news from Donetsk and need some time to take everything in.

Vladimir Putin video shows him saying ‘it’s now time for us to take our lands back’



“We love Aiden with all our hearts. He and Shaun, as members of Ukrainian armed forces, should be treated with respect just like any other prisoners of war.

“They are not, and never were, mercenaries.

“We hope that this sentence will be overturned and beseech the government’s of the UK and Ukraine to do everything in their power to have them returned to us safely, and soon.

“We can only imagine what they are going through right now.

Shaun Pinner is married to Ukrainian Larysa


social media/e2w)

“This is a very upsetting development and we ask that our privacy is respected at this time.”

It is understood Mr Aslin’s mum Ang Wood found out about the draconian sentence while watching the TV news at the family home in Newark, Notts.

In footage shared by Ria Novosti on social media on Wednesday, a translator can be heard asking Mr Aslin if he would “plead guilty” to an offence, to which he replied: “Yes.”

The video appeared to show the two Britons in the dock in the pro-Russian territory’s supreme court alongside Brahim Saaudun, a Moroccan national.

Mr Pinner was facing more severe charges after allegedly admitting to “seizing power by force”.

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