Two days after releasing the teaser of the upcoming romantic-drama Satyaprem Ki Katha, the makers have dropped the debut poster to keep the buzz going. The debut poster of the film features actors Kiara and Kartik in a romantic pose. The performers can be seen being completely in love and emitting magnificent chemistry. The poster was shared by the official Twitter handle of the film production house Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment. The audience got to see the poster launch on the same day when the Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 was released in 2022, the film that brought this hit Jodi to the big screen for the first time. Satya Prem Ki Katha Teaser: Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani’s Beautiful Chemistry Shine in This Musical Movie.
Kartik-Kiara in Satyaprem Ki Katha Poster
The recently released teaser of the movie was also well-received by the audience. The teaser begins with Kartik’s voice-over, expressing his love for Kiara’s character Katha. The video includes romantic moments of Kartik and Kiara set against beautiful backdrops of locations like Kashmir. As soon as the teaser was released, the actor’s fans and industry friends dropped in their comments. One of the users wrote, “This is going to be a very good and romantic movie.” Another commented, “This teaser just setting the whole internet on fire frr!!”
“Omg the wait is over,” the comment read. Kiara also shared the teaser and captioned it, “Aaj se shuru, #SatyaPremKiKatha. Teaser OUT NOW.” Helmed by Sameer Vidwans, and produced by Sajid Nadiadwala, the film is all set to hit the theatres on June 29, 2023. In the film, Kartik will be seen romancing Kiara Advani. The film marks the actor’s second collaboration after the blockbuster Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2, which was released in 2022. Satyaprem Ki Katha also marks a massive collaboration between NGE and Namah Pictures. Satyaprem Ki Katha Wraps Shoot! Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan Celebrate with Cake Cutting on Set.
Interestingly, Sajid Nadiadwala and Shareen Mantri Kedia with Kishor Arora and director Sameer Vidwans won a National Award for their respective feature films Chhichhore and Anandi Gopal. The film also stars Supriya Pathak Kapur, Gajraj Rao, Siddharth Randheria, Anooradha Patel, Rajpal Yadav, Nirrmite Saawaant, and Shikha Talsania. Apart from this, Kartik will be seen in Hansal Mehta’s next Captain India and in director Kabir Khan’s next untitled film. Kiara, on the other hand, will also be seen in an upcoming action drama film Game Changer alongside RRR actor Ram Charan.