Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra surprised fans, when they shared their wedding photos on Instagram. They married on January 27 in the morning, and celebrated their wedding with Neena Gupta, Vivian Richards, Sonam Kapoor, Dia Mirza, Soni Razdan, among many others, at a party in the evening. In a new interview, Satyadeep said there was ‘nothing secretive’ about their wedding. The actor added that they always wanted an intimate wedding. Also read: Inside Masaba Gupta, Satyadeep Misra’s wedding bash with two giant cakes and speeches by Neena Gupta, ex Vivian Richards
Actor-fashion designer Masaba Gupta was previously married to producer Madhu Mantena, while Satyadeep’s ex-wife is actor Aditi Rao Hydari. When asked if their past relationship experience made them ‘bitter or cynical’ about falling in love again, Satyadeep said ‘the braver you are with love, the more it gives you back’. Although he admitted breakups can make a person ‘wary of falling in love’ thinking it could leave them ‘hurt’.
Speaking about their wedding, Satyadeep told The Indian Express, “We (him and Masaba Gupta) wanted to do it in an intimate way. We went and signed on the 27th morning and had a small party. There was nothing secretive about it. We have always been very open about the relationship when it started. I also strongly feel that secrecy will sort of affect your relationship. You have to own it and be open about it. It was just that the pictures came like that and everyone was like ‘oh wow’.”
Further speaking about giving love another chance after his divorce, the actor said, “You are always wary of falling in love to an extent that it could hurt you. And that’s true for every one of us… I think the braver you are with love, the more it gives you back. Many have said it in the past too. Yes, the ones who have gone through breakups wouldn’t believe in it initially but I think that’s the way to go. You need to come from a place of giving to get it back. And it applies to everything in life.”
Masaba and Satyadeep met on the sets of her Netflix show Masaba Masaba. Earlier in an interview with Vogue India, Masaba had said that both her and Satyadeep were ‘extremely private people’ and they wanted to be in the presence of family and loved ones on a memorable day like their wedding.