Actor Sara Ali Khan on Wednesday shared a string of pictures from her recent trip to Kedarnath. Taking to Instagram, Sara shared the photos and penned down a gratitude note about visiting the temple while shooting for her debut movie Kedarnath. “The first time I came to these places- I had never faced a camera. Today I can’t imagine my life without it. Thank you Kedarnath for making me who I am and giving me all that I have. Very few people are lucky enough to come to you, and I am full of gratitude and appreciation that I can come back to just thank you. Jai Bholenath,” she captioned the post. Sara Ali Khan Is Overwhelmed As She Thanks ‘Kedarnath’; Actress Shares Pics on Insta From Her Uttarakhand Diaries!
In the pictures, Sara could be seen posing in front of the temple, enjoying tea, and sitting on a snowcapped land. Soon after she dropped the pictures, fans flooded the comment section with red hearts and fire emoticons. “Jai Shambhu..har har Mahadev,” a fan commented. A fan wrote, “Miss you SSR.” “Really Miss sushant sing raiput,” a user wrote. A user commented, “Lovely fam miss you SHUSHANT.” Sara marked her Bollywood debut with the film ‘Kedarnath’ in 2018 opposite late actor Sushant Singh Rajput. Zara Hatke Zara Bach Ke: Vicky Kaushal, Sara Ali Khan’s Romantic Comedy to Hit Theatres on June 2 (View Post).
Sara Ali Khan Visits Kedarnath
Helmed by Abhishek Kapoor, the film received positive responses from the audience. Meanwhile, Sara will be next seen in director Laxman Utekar’s next rom-com film Zara Hatke Zara Bach Ke opposite Vicky Kaushal. The film is all set to hit the theatres on June 2. Apart from that, she also has Ae Watan Mere Watan and a thriller Murder Mubarak in her kitty.
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