Fifteen years after making his maiden appearance as Nick Fury, Samuel L. Jackson finally has a Marvel Cinematic Universe show where he plays the leading role. Secret Invasion, the first episode of which is now streaming on Disney+ Hotstar, is set after the events of Thanos’ Blip, which seems to have had a mental toll on the otherwise indomitable Nick Fury. (Also Read: How Nick Fury character evolved from ‘Iron Man’ to ‘Secret Invasion’)
On Nick Fury getting his own show
“My biggest concern with Marvel was trying to keep them from killing me more than anything else. [Laughs] I kind of liked the gig! When they called me in to tell me what’s going on, I always thought they were trying to kill me,” Samuel said in an interview to Rolling Stone.
Samuel said that he was “kind of upset” about not being part of MCU’s watershed showdowns like the climactic face-off in Anthony Russo’s 2016 ensemble Captain America: Civil War, where Steve Rogers and his team fought tooth and nail with Iron Man aka Tony Stark’s gang in an ideological conflict.
“They didn’t let me go to Wakanda, which I was kind of upset about. How could Nick Fury not know about Wakanda? They said, ‘Well, you do know but you can’t go.’,” Samuel said in the same interview.
On Secret Invasion
Samuel says he always wanted to tell the origin story of Nick Fury when he was just a spy and didn’t have superheroes like the Avengers or Captain Marvel as friends. While Secret Invasion isn’t his origin story, he claims it’s not a ‘superhero movie’ either. “It’s dark and gritty,” he told The Rolling Stone.
Directed by Ali Selim and created by Kyle Breadstreet, Secret Invasion also stars Ben Mendelsohn, Emilia Clarke, Olivia Colman and Don Cheadle. Don will reprise his role of War Machine aka James Rhodes from the MCU.
Nick Fury in The Marvels
Samuel will also reprise his role of Nick Fury in the upcoming MCU film The Marvels, that will see him reunite with Brie Larson, as Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel. The Marvels will release on November 10.