Saif Ali Khan was stabbed six times on January 16 when an introducer broke into his child’s room and randomly demanded INR 1 crore in ransom. However, Saif Ali Khan confronted him and was stabbed multiple times in various parts of his body, including near his spine. However, on January 21, the actor returned home following a five-day stay at Lilavvati Hospital. However, other issues remained unanswered, one of which was how the actor was able to walk and return home after being stabbed several times. Okay, the question was answered by a Bengaluru-based cardiologist, Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy. In a series of posts, he explained and gave logical reasons behind Saif’s speedy recovery. Saif Ali Khan Discharged from Hospital After Recovering from Knife Attack Injury.
Doctor Explains Saif Ali Khan’s Quick Recovery
He also posted a video of his mother walking with a shattered foot in a cast, barely hours after having spinal surgery for a fractured bone in her spine. He reported that his mother was discharged from the hospital the next day. He wrote, “For people doubting if Saif Ali Khan really had a spine surgery (funnily even some doctors!). This is a video of my mother from 2022 at the age of 78y, walking with a fractured foot in a cast and a spine surgery on the same evening when spine surgery was done. #MedTwitter. A younger fit person can recover even faster. For doctors who are doubting Saif’s recovery… all I want to tell you is to get better exposure.”
Dr Krishnamurthy then explained that the actor only had a leak and a tear: “What Saif had was only a cerebrospinal fluid leak and a tear in dura mater [a thick membrane that protects the brain and spinal cord], which was repaired.” Saif Ali Khan’s First Visuals After Being Discharged From Hospital Surface Post Stabbing Incident, Actor Seen Smiling (Watch Video).
Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy Explains Saif Ali Kahn’s Speedy Recovery
For people doubting if Saif Ali Khan really had a spine surgery (funnily even some doctors!). This is a video of my mother from 2022 at the age of 78y, walking with a fractured foot in a cast and a spine surgery on the same evening when spine surgery was done. #MedTwitter. A…
— Dr Deepak Krishnamurthy (@DrDeepakKrishn1) January 22, 2025
He also wrote, “Nowadays, people who have had cardiac bypass surgeries walk and climb stairs on 3rd 4th day! Please educate yourselves about things before coming on social media and proudly displaying your ignorance! Talk to experts, read up and learn.”
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 23, 2025 05:57 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website