Mumbai: Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, who was brutally attacked with a knife at his Bandra residence, is currently recovering at Lilavati Hospital. The actor’s doctors have described him as a “hero” for his bravery and composure during the traumatic incident. Saif arrived at the hospital covered in blood but is now out of danger and showing significant signs of recovery.
Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, addressed the media, emphasizing how fortunate Saif was to have narrowly escaped a severe spinal injury. “He is doing very well presently. His parameters have improved, and he is being shifted from the ICU to a special room for him. Saif was very fortunate. The knife injury was just 2 mm away from his spinal cord. If it had gone in deeper, the spinal cord could have been damaged. He is very, very fortunate.”
Dr. Uttamani also highlighted that Saif’s quick medical attention played a crucial role in his recovery.
Neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange: “Saif Is Doing Excellent”
Dr. Nitin Dange, the neurosurgeon who operated on Saif, provided more details about the actor’s condition. “He is doing excellent. We even made him walk a little, and he can walk well without much pain or any other symptoms. Looking at his parameters, reports, and all the injuries, he is safe to be shifted out of the ICU to a special room.”
However, Dr Dange added a note of caution, “He needs to take rest for some time, especially because of the wounds on his back, which have a potential risk of infection. Movements are restricted for a week, and visitors will be limited to ensure faster recovery.”
The doctor assured fans that there are no signs of paralysis and that Saif’s injuries have been successfully treated.
Saif’s bravery during the attack has been widely praised, with hospital staff calling him a hero. The actor was stabbed multiple times while reportedly protecting his sons Taimur and Jeh from the intruder. Despite his severe injuries, he maintained composure, allowing for swift medical intervention.
Kareena Kapoor Khan, Saif’s wife, has been by his side throughout his recovery. In a recent statement, she urged fans and the media to respect their privacy during this challenging time. Social media has been flooded with prayers and messages of support for Saif, with fans hailing him as a real-life hero.
While Saif is on the mend, his doctors have stressed the importance of rest and limited movement to ensure proper healing.