Bollywood has already witnessed one of the most chaotic days of 2025 after Saif Ali Khan was attacked during a burglary attempt at his Mumbai residence on Thursday (January 16). The actor underwent a minor surgery at the Lilavati Hospital after sustaining six injuries and is currently recovering. On the other hand, his eldest son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, is set to make his acting debut in Bollywood with Sarzameen. He has another picture with South actress Sreeleela titled Diler. According to the latest reports, Ibrahim Ali Khan has postponed the shoot of his ongoing picture due to the current situation in his family. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Doctors Confirm Surgery Success and Actor’s Recovery (Watch Video).
Ibrahim Ali Khan’s ‘Diler’ Shoot Postponed?
A source close to the development told India Today, “Shooting for Maddock’s Diler was on. It has been put on hold after the attack on Saif. Sreeleela is also in the film. It is being directed by Kunal Deshmukh.” The report further stated that Ibrahim Ali Khan wants to stay by his dad’s side until he fully recovers and comes home.
Ibrahim Ali Khan With His Dad Saif Ali Khan
Attack on Saif Ali Khan
The intruder who entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor’s Bandra residence, Satguru Sharan, at around 2:30 AM on Thursday first tried to attack Saif’s house help during the robbery attempt. When the Devara actor tried to stop him, the intruder stabbed him six times, inflicting two deep cuts. He was immediately rushed to Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital, where a piece of the knife was surgically removed from his back. The actor has been advised to rest for a week. In the latest update on the case, the Mumbai Police clarified that no arrests have been made yet, and the investigation is underway. Saif Ali Khan Stabbing Case: Mumbai Police Confirms Detained Man Has No Connection to Actor’s Knife Attack.
Ibrahim Ali Khan will be seen alongside the “Kurchi Madathapetti” sensation Sreeleela in Diler. Touted to be a sports drama, the upcoming film is directed by Kunal Deshmukh and bankrolled by Dinesh Vijan under his banner, Maddock Films. The movie also marks the Bollywood debut of Sreeleela.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 17, 2025 06:16 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website