Actor Saif Ali Khan was discharged from Lilavati Hospital here on Tuesday, five days after he was repeatedly stabbed by an intruder at his house in upscale Bandra. The 54-year-old actor, who suffered multiple stab injuries in the attack in the early hours of January 16 underwent emergency surgery at the hospital. Saif Ali Khan Discharged From Lilavati Hospital Post Surgery, Days After Stabbing Incident at His Bandra Residence.
Doctors had earlier said that Khan had three injuries, two on the hand and one on the right side of the neck, and the major part was at the back, which was in the spine. Doctors removed the sharp object that was lodged in the spine and repaired the injury. Khan recovered well and was shifted from the intensive care unit (ICU) on January 17 to a special room. Auto Driver Bhajan Singh Rana Rewarded INR 11,000 for Taking Saif Ali Khan to Hospital After Stabbing Incident – Reports.
Police on Sunday arrested Bangladeshi national Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir (30) from neighbouring Thane city for the stabbing incident.