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Russia paints ‘invasion stripes’ on assault vehicles as forces gather near Ukraine border – World News


Russian forces massing on Ukraine’s border have daubed assault vehicles with ominous “invasion stripes,” heightening fears of all-out war breaking out.

The Daily Mirror can also exclusively reveal that Russia will soon have a staggering assault force of 107,000 troops amassed at Ukraine’s border.

It is far more than previously thought and emerged in documents leaked to the Mirror which include shocking details on the Russian firepower involved.

Ukrainian military estimates of the advancing force include 1,300 battle tanks, 3,700 drones, 1,300 artillery and mortar units and 380 multiple launch rocket systems.

The shocking numbers of troops alone represents at least 35,000 more Russian frontline troops more than the entire British Army following defence cuts.

The Russian force includes an estimated 1,300 tanks
The Russian force includes an estimated 1,300 tanks

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Yesterday in Astrakhan, 350 miles from the frontline, Russian BTR 80 armoured vehicles painted with invasion stripes were spotted heading in convoy to the railway station.

The appearance of these markings has escalated alarm amongst military experts who have drawn attention to similar stripes on tanks used by the Soviet Army during then 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia. The stripes help identify vehicles to friendly forces.

There are a range of theories about why Russia's President Vladimir Putin is massing troops on the border
There are a range of theories about why Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is massing troops on the border

How did it come to this?

In 2014 after the liberal Maidan revolution in Ukraine, Putin became nervous Europe and NATO would soon be on Russia’s doorstep.

His GRU spooks armed pro-Russian separatists in areas of East Ukraine, sparking a guerilla war. Russia also annexed Crimea overnight.

Bitter fighting in East Ukraine has killed 14,000 in six years and it is possible Putin believes the time is right to attack and put large parts of Ukraine under Kremlin rule.

How does Russia justify the build-up?

Russia’s ongoing military action in East Ukraine plays into its narrative it is protecting pro-Russian civilians in the region, who have been scared by GRU spooks warning “Nazi Europe” is returning, in a throwback to the Second World War.

Though this clearly looks like an invasion force, Putin may use the excuse of rushing in to protect his people whilst his troops are supposed to be on “exercise”.

Vessels from the Russian Navy's Caspian Flotilla have been spotted moving to the Black Sea
Vessels from the Russian Navy’s Caspian Flotilla have been spotted moving to the Black Sea

What is Putin thinking?

There are different theories on why Putin is behaving like this – including he has been secretly ill and needs to reaffirm his position as Russia’s strongman.

He occasionally disappears from public sight and occasionally has a very podgy face, as if having had long-term treatment. He’s in his 70s and is desperate to expand Russia to its former USSR glory. Putin is also paranoid if Ukraine gets NATO membership one day, that means the alliance is on his doorstep. He would also like to take over Ukraine or large parts of it and appear the strongman in Russia to improve flagging domestic ratings.

Perhaps Putin believes the time is right for action against Ukraine – with Europe in disarray because of the Covid-19 pandemic and Brexit.

His military doctrine is all about piling pressure on other countries, disrupting them domestically to make them appear weak whilst constantly resting their resolve. It could also be a test of new US President Joe Biden ’s willingness to challenge Russia.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the frontline with Russia backed separatists in Mariupol region
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (pictured) on the frontline with Russia backed separatists in Mariupol region

Could Nato and the UK get dragged in?

Although it is not a NATO member, Ukraine is an ally of the US and the UK.

British and US forces have helped train Ukraine forces in recent years and the UK Parachute Regiment – as witnessed by the Mirror – last year practised jumping into battle in Ukraine along with local troops.

UK forces are in the country helping to monitor the situation and the RAF has sent Typhoon fighter jets to Romania to bolster the region. Two US warships are heading to the Black Sea and Russia has warned America to stay away – so this is a tense situation for the UK.

Sources in the MoD say there are many meetings taking place about how to handle the situation if Putin invades. It is unlikely he would go beyond the threshold that would drag NATO into a war but that depends on what red lines countries like the UK would impose.

If it is “do not invade” beyond the front line then our troops could find themselves being sent to help Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Russia claims it is protecting pro-Russian civilians in East Ukraine
Russia claims it is protecting pro-Russian civilians in East Ukraine

What could happen next?

At some point along the front line there will likely be a larger flare-up than usual, almost certainly sparked by Russia

This will be the precursor for a large escalation and a possible invasion, perversely justified by Moscow as a necessary mission to protect Russian people against Ukraine. Experts believe if this happens Putin will order his troops in but it is possible this will be with limitations.

Of course, anything is possible but as soldiers and civilians die, Putin will watch keenly for America’s reaction.

It is likely he would stop, having taken swathes of territory, just short of justifying US intervention.

But all-out war cannot be discounted.

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