The 68th Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav will be held from December 14 to 18 at the Sports Complex of Maharashtriya Mandal in Mukund Nagar, opposite Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth. During the event, programmes under “Shadja” and “Antarang” will be held at Sawai Gandharva Smarak near Rahul Theatre in Shivajinagar from 11 am to 1 pm.
Shrinivas Joshi, Executive President of the Arya Sangeet Prasarak Mandal, announced details about the programmes at a press conference on Monday.
On the first day of the Mahotsav, Durga Jasraj, daughter of Sangeet Martand Pandit Jasraj, and his nephew and disciple Pandit Rattan Mohan Sharma will relive the memories of the classical vocalist. Arya Sangeet Prasarak Mandal’s film about Bharat Ratna Pandit Bhimsen Joshi’s musical career will be screened on the second day. On the final day of the Mahotsav, an interactive session with sarod player Alam Khan, who belongs to the Maihar-Seni Gharana, will take place.
Sharing details about the photo exhibition “Shatabdi Smaran”, photographer Sateesh Paknikar said, “Like previous years, we are organising a photo exhibition this year too, which will mark the birth centenary of Pandit Bhimsen Joshi. The photographs of Bharat Ratna Pandit Bhimsen Joshi will be featured in the exhibition. It will give immense joy and happiness to the visitors to relive every moment captured in these photos.”
The photos have been clicked by late senior photographer Anil Deshpande besides Sudharkar Joshi and Sateesh Paknikar. Some rare photos captured by Paknikar will also be exhibited in a special segment titled “Bhimseni Mudra”. ”
The auto-rickshaw unions from the city have decided to extend their cooperation to the Mahotsav, just like previous editions. The PMPML will also offer special bus services for the convenience of music lovers, which will play in the night on the following routes: Mukund Nagar to Nigdi (Bhakti-Shakti Chowk), Mukund Nagar to Dhayari Maruti Mandir, Mukund Nagar to Kothrud Depot, and Mukund Nagar to Warje Malwadi.