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Researchers find ideal place to take reptiles’ pulse rate


Cornell University researchers have discovered they can consistently measure reptiles’ pulse rate in an easy-to-reach spot on the back of the head, and that pulse rate corresponds to the heart rate in healthy reptiles. The technique requires an ultrasonic Doppler flow detector, a common instrument found in most veterinary clinics.

While the location to obtain a python’s heart rate is well known, a location to obtain a pulse rate had not yet been accurately described, said Nicola Di Girolamo, associate professor of exotic animal medicine. The ability to measure pulse rate allows for a more complete cardiovascular examination.

It started with a sick bearded dragon. The lizard had an aneurysm, which caused the temporoorbital artery at the back of its head to become enlarged.

“You could put the Doppler there, and you would hear the pulse rate very well,” said Di Girolamo, corresponding author of the study. “We thought it was only happening because the vessel was so distended, but then we checked another bearded dragon kind of randomly in the same area, and we realized that it had the pulse there.”

The researchers found the pulse in the same location in other species: leopard geckos, turtles, tortoises and snakes.

Di Girolamo said he is seeing more reptile owners who are willing to seek advanced care for their pets, including surgery. This method provides another way to listen to a reptile’s heartbeat while it’s under anesthesia or to treat an animal that’s feeling defensive. “It can be easier and less stressful to do it this way,” he said.

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