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Relationship tips: 6 ways to become an inter-dependent couple


Every relationship is founded on a solid foundation of communication, respect, and trust. Most significantly, neither partner unnecessarily relies on the other; they both understand that they are their own people within the relationship. Despite maintaining mutual respect for each other’s limits, they have a deep emotional bond. In a relationship, interdependence is striking a balance between oneself and others, acknowledging that both partners are striving to be present and attend to each other’s physical and emotional needs in ways that are appropriate and significant. Their link develops stronger and healthier if both parties in a relationship develop a clear awareness of dependency.

(Also read: Relationship tips: 6 healthy relationship habits of happy couples )

Therapist Israa Nasir suggested six ways to become an interdependent couple in her Instagram post.

1. Become aware of your emotional patterns

Become aware of how you relate to your partner and react when they are mad at you. Reflect on your upbringing. How were mistakes treated and love communicated? This will help you define emotional relatability in your relationship.

2. Increase your self-awareness

Reflect on what you like and what matters to you. Knowing yourself better allows you to show up in your relationships with authenticity, be able to express your needs, and also set better boundaries.

3. Work on assertive communication together

How you express your emotional needs is just as important as knowing what your needs are. This includes your listening skills as well. This means becoming an empathetic and active listener and paying attention to how your words are being heard by your partner.

4. Invest in yourself

Make time for your hobbies, friendships, and personal goals. Reflect on what your own values are and what constitutes a life well lived.

5. Treat your relationship like a third-person

Identify what the goals and values are, and what it needs on a regular basis to thrive.

6. Find a shared activity to do thatтАЩs not an errand

Rituals are regular activities you do together, their purpose is to help build connection and give you two joy. It doesnтАЩt have to be a fancy date night or cost a lot of money. Small things like reading the same book or doing the morning crossword are just as effective. Rituals give you a sense of identity as a couple, increase emotional intimacy and create emotional memories.

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