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Red-nose rage: Aggressive deer keep attacking this Rudolph decoration


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer was famously left out of reindeer games. In fact, all of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names.

However, at no point in the classic Christmas song do the other reindeer head-butt and stomp the living daylights out of Rudolph.

But that’s what keeps happening to a Rudolph-themed decoration in Fort Nelson, B.C., where young male deer can’t seem to tell the difference between a Christmas ornament and a rival buck competing for the attention of female deer.

“Every year a buck in the area attacks him or hits and knocks him over and breaks him,” said Arlene Chmelyk, who lives in the northern B.C. city about 160 kilometres south of the Yukon border.

WATCH | Rudolph stalked and attacked by rival buck: 

Deer attacks Rudolph decoration in Fort Nelson, B.C.

Arlene Chmelyk came home to find her Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer decoration trampled on the ground. She checked her security camera and discovered the culprit was a real-life deer taking down a perceived challenger. 0:43

The decoration is actually a 3D archery target that replicates the size and shape of a white-tailed deer. Chmelyk’s family first put it up as a decoration five years ago.

But she’s not sure why it’s realistic enough to keep fooling the actual deer that wander around her neighbourhood every winter, especially since her husband added a red light bulb to its face.

“I’m like, he has a bright red nose,” she said. “I’m not really sure what they see.”

Her main theory is that the decoration is on display during rutting season when male bucks start competing with rivals for female attention, often with little regard to their surroundings. The replica does have a large set of antlers, which could make it a target.

‘Rudolph’ is a 3D archery target with a red lightbulb on its nose. (Arlene Chmelyk)

Chmelyk says her ornament, which is dubbed “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Whitetail,” has taken quite a few beatings over the years. Rudolph has lost his head, legs and other body parts, which are then glued on again for another Christmas season.

And just like the real Rudolph, Chmelyk says her version is resilient and will continue to shine brightly for years to come — no matter how much the neighbourhood deer try to get rid of him.

“He’s standing proud,” she said. 

Daybreak North4:48Rudolph the Red-Nosed Maimed Deer

Neighbourhood deer keep attacking Arlene Chmelyk’s Christmas decoration in Fort Nelson, B.C. 4:48

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