Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya recently shared his unfiltered views on collaborating with Oscar-winning music composer AR Rahman. In an interview with Bollywood Thikana, Abhijeet expressed his frustration with their only joint project, the song “Ae Nazneen Suno Na.” He revealed feeling dissatisfied with the overall experience, citing Rahman’s rumoured tendency to work at unconventional hours as a major factor. Bhattacharya added that Rahman kept delaying the recording. Singer Abhijeet Bhattacharya Indirectly Labels Salman Khan ‘Darubaaz’, Reveals Disagreements With Shah Rukh Khan Are Professional (Watch Video).
Abhijeet Bhattacharya Slams AR Rahman
In a candid interview, singer Abhijeet was asked why he had only collaborated once with AR Rahman. He explained, “During that time, I was getting calls from all the major composers. Anu Malik would be on the line, and then Anand-Milind would call, and then Jatin-Lalit would call. I was busy dubbing all the time. I went (to meet Rahman) and was left waiting at the hotel.”
AR Rahman & Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s “Ae Nazneen Suno Na” Song:
He continued, “I decided that I can’t keep waiting, and that we could record in the morning. At 2 am, I get a call summoning me to the studio. Am I crazy? I said that I was asleep. I went in the morning, but he was not there. They don’t have the habit of working at regular hours. I’m used to working in a systematic manner. Now, in the name of creativity, if you say that you will record at 3:33 am, I don’t get it.” ‘Log Shah Rukh Khan Ko Hakla Kehte The’: Abhijeet Bhattacharya Makes Bold Claims About Bollywood Superstar’s Mockery During His Initial Days (Watch Video).
Watch Abhijeet Bhattacharya’s Full Interview Below:
Abhijeet Bhattacharya Reveals Lack of Response From AR Rahman
Abhijeet shared that on the day of recording, an assistant of Rahman, was in charge at the studio. Despite having a cold from the air-conditioning, Abhijeet was urged to sing. He acknowledged that the song, though from a flop film, was Rahman’s creation. He mentioned trying to reach Rahman but never received a clear response, adding that he had prior commitments and couldn’t wait longer. “An artiste doesn’t become big or small by doing these things,” he added.
Abhijeet also recalled nearly doing playback for Rangeela and shared that it was the first time he saw AR Rahman working at regular hours. In a previous interview with Lehren Retro, he described the experience of working with Rahman as “unmusical.” He explained, “They called me saying the song has been changed, and since Udit has already sung for the character, your vocals will be used in a different way. I realised that this is not a place for music. He was just recording patches.”
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 03, 2025 06:18 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website