Realme India has officially launched the 9i smartphone today in India. The handset is introduced as the successor to the Realme 8i phone, which debuted last year. Realme 9i is priced at Rs 13,999 for the 4GB + 64Gb model, whereas the 6GB + 128GB variant costs Rs 15,999. The device will be made available for sale from January 25, 2022, via Flipkart, and offline retailers in India. Realme 9i Launching Today in India, Watch LIVE Streaming Here.
Realme 9i sports a 6.6-inch FHD+ display with a resolution of 2412×1080 pixels. It comes powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 680 chipset coupled with up to 6GB of RAM and up t0 128GB of internal storage.
Realme 9i (Photo Credits: Realme)
Unboxing #NextLevelPower with the #realme9i.
Packed with:
⚡Snapdragon 680 6nm Processor
⚡33W Dart Charge
⚡Upto 11GB DRE
Early Sale on & @Flipkart at 12 PM, 22nd Jan. First Sale at 12 PM, 25th Jan.
Know more:
— realme (@realmeIndia) January 18, 2022
The smartphone comes equipped with a triple rear camera setup comprising a 50MP primary lens, a 2MP portrait camera and a 2MP macro snapper. Upfront, there is a 16MP camera with a Sony IMX471 sensor.
Realme 9i comes packed with a 5,000mAh battery with 33W Dart charging support. The device is claimed to deliver from 0 to 100 percent of charging in 70 minutes. Connectivity options include a 3.5mm headphone jack, a USB Type-C port, Bluetooth, GPS/ A-GPS, 4G LTE and dual-band Wi-Fi.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 18, 2022 03:59 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website