Ranveer Singh and fashion have always been synonymous with each other. The actor is one of the few stars who has opted for gender-neutral outfits from time to time. The man can rock a tuxedo as charmingly as a pair of quirky pants and bright colours. Singh is always experimenting with his look and from time to time, he gives the audience something new to look at. The actor knows how to own the stage in any outfit and own it like a boss. Ranveer Singh Pulls Off a Quirky Alessandro Michele in This Blue-Gold Satiny Ensemble!
Ranveer Singh has become the epitome of men’s fashion as he is breaking the barriers of what men can and cannot wear. He often is trolled for the kind of ensembles he opts for but that does not slow him down from wearing what he likes. Be it his shimmery Gucci clothes or his red carpet entries, Ranveer makes head turns, and makes sure he gives fashion fanatic, the media, his fans something to talk about.
The actor is turning 36 today and we want to celebrate his special day by honouring some his quirky looks. Check 5 quirky looks donned by the actor that were absolutely stunning.
Take A Look:
The Gucci Man
Rocking The Solids!
It’s All About Those Colours
He Can Any Look So Easily
The Golden Magic
Ranveer Singh has exquisite taste in fashion and is an inspiration for many. Just like his sartorial choices, the actor also has an impeccable choice in films. The actor will be seen in ’83 next where we will get to see him essay the role of Kapil Dev. He also has Jayeshbhai Jordaar in his kitty. The actor is also a part of Karan Johar’s magnum opus titled Takht. Is Ranveer Singh Making His Television Debut on Colors TV? These Tweets Hint So!
Let’s celebrate Ranveer Singh’s birthday by binge-watching his films, looking back at some of his quirky looks. Wishing the actor a very Happy Birthday.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jul 06, 2021 08:50 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website todaynews24.top).
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