Ram Charan and his wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela embraced parenthood as they welcomed their firstborn, a baby girl on Tuesday, 20 June. As the newbie parents have embarked on a journey after almost 10 years of their marriage, congratulatory messages have also started pouring in for the couple. The happiest grandparents, superstar Chiranjeevi, and his wife Surekha also paid a visit to the hospital in Hyderabad to meet their newborn granddaughter. Notably, Ram Charan and Upasana were earlier seen entering the hospital earlier on Monday.
At a time when the entire family is beaming with happiness and is excited over the baby’s arrival, let’s take a look at the couple’s complete relationship timeline that spans over a decade.
Inside Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela relationship timeline
Despite being from two entirely separate backgrounds, Ram Charan and Upasana Konidela developed a very strong bond from a young age and later tied the knot with their family’s agreement. While Ram is an actor by profession and is the son of Superstar Chiranjeevi, Upasana who is an entrepreneur is the granddaughter of Dr. Prathap C. Reddy, Founder and Chairman of Apollo Hospital.
1. Reportedly, the two met through common friends during their college days and developed a good friendship over time. After completing their graduation, they went on separate paths but still remained in touch.
2. However, it was not until Ram went overseas that they realised their love for each other.
3. Their love story reportedly began in 2008 when Ram Charan’s film Magadheera was released.
4. After dating for a couple of years, they surprised everyone by getting engaged in December 2011 in a private ceremony, which was attended by close friends and family in Hyderabad.
5. A year after this, the couple got married in a private wedding ceremony in June 2012, following which they also hosted a star-studded reception with family, friends, and members from the industry.
RRR Co-star Jr NTR congratulates Ram Charan
After being in a blissful marriage for almost a decade, the couple embraced parenthood this year and shared the joyous news with their fans on social media. From Ram’s father Chiranjeevi to actor Jr NTR, many have dropped heartfelt wishes for the couple.
Welcome Little Mega Princess !! ______
You have spread cheer among the
Mega Family of millions on your arrival as much as you have made the blessed parents @AlwaysRamCharan & @upasanakonidela and us grandparents, Happy and Proud!! __
— Chiranjeevi Konidela (@KChiruTweets) June 20, 2023
Congratulations @AlwaysRamCharan and @upasanakonidela. Welcome to the parents club. Every moment spent with the baby girl will be an unforgettable memory for a life time. May God bless her and you all with immense happiness.
— Jr NTR (@tarak9999) June 20, 2023
Welcome Home Little One _
Overwhelmed with Joy & Happiness.Congratulations @AlwaysRamCharan & @upasanakonidela as you embrace this incredible journey of parenthood with this beautiful blessing ______
Our boundless family is wishing you endless love, laughter, and warmth.
— Sai Dharam Tej (@IamSaiDharamTej) June 20, 2023
Earlier in December 2022, the couple announced Upasana’s pregnancy in a joint post.