People across the country and globe are eagerly awaiting the inauguration of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. Ahead of the consecration of Ram Lalla on January 22, Prime Minister Narendra Modi shared a Ram Bhajan sung by Geetaben Rabari. The Ram Bhajan titled “Shree Ram Ghar Aaye” by singer Geetaben Rabari was shared by PM Modi on his official handle on X. “This bhajan of Geetaben Rabari ji to welcome Lord Ram is very emotional,” the Indian Prime Minister’s tweet read. New Ram Bhajan 2024 Video Tweeted by PM Modi: ‘Ram Aayenge’ Devotional Song by Swasti Mehul Is Must Hear Ahead of Ram Mandir Inauguration.
New Ram Bhajan 2024 Video Shared by PM Modi
अयोध्या में प्रभु श्री राम के दिव्य-भव्य मंदिर में राम लला के आगमन का इंतजार खत्म होने वाला है। देशभर के मेरे परिवारजनों को उनकी प्राण-प्रतिष्ठा की बेसब्री से प्रतीक्षा है। उनके स्वागत में गीताबेन रबारी जी का ये भजन भावविभोर करने वाला है। #ShriRamBhajan
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) January 7, 2024
Listen to Shree Ram Ghar Aaye by Geeta Rabari Here
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