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Rajasthan Govt to Run ‘No Mask-No Movement’ Campaign Across State to Break COVID-19 Infection Chain


Jaipur, April 20: Going a step ahead of ‘No Mask-No Entry’, the Rajasthan government will run a ‘No Mask-No Movement’ campaign across the state to break the infection chain. Chief minister Ashok Gehlot said the campaign will be run with strictness so that the spread of the virus could be contained.

In a video conference with mayors, deputy mayors, chairpersons, vice chairpersons, executive officers and commissioners of urban local bodies on COVID-19 and Chiranjeevi health insurance scheme, Gehlot said the second wave of the infection is very dangerous and the situation can be handled by strictly following guidelines like wearing face mask and maintaining social distancing.

“The situation created by the coronavirus can only be conquered by following the COVID-19 protocols such as wearing face masks, social distancing. For this, the government will run a ‘No Mask, No Movement’ campaign to make sure that people do not move without wearing face masks,” he said. He also requested the people to cooperate in the strict steps being taken by the state government. Rajasthan Govt Accuses Centre of ‘Bias Attitude’ in Supplying Oxygen as COVID-19 Numbers Rising Each Day.

“Without discipline, we cannot break the chain of infection. Keeping this in mind, the government has taken steps like public discipline fortnight. This may cause inconvenience to people for some time, but to save lives, all of us have to stay in self discipline,” a release quoting him as saying.

Gehlot said that the battle against the coronavirus will not only be fought in hospitals, but in society and at home also. He also asked the public representatives and officials to ensure that maximum people register in the Chiranjeevi health insurance scheme in which residents of the state will get insurance cover of Rs 5 lakh.

Health minister Raghu Sharma also requested the people to follow the guidelines. Principal secretary health Abhay Kumar said 1,900 micro-containment zones have been made in the state and 55 people have been shifted from home isolation to institutional quarantine facilities in the last 24 hours for violating quarantine norms.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, Today News 24 Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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