Actor Vaani Kapoor is set to star alongside Ajay Devgn in Raid 2, the makers announced on Monday. The upcoming movie is the sequel of the 2018 film Raid that saw Devgn play the role of IRS officer Amay Patnaik. Vaani Kapoor Travels To NYC For Broadway, Actress Says, ‘I Have Always Loved Musicals’.
“Joining the list of fresh pairing in 2024, Vaani Kapoor will be seen as the lead opposite Ajay Devgn in Raid 2,” the makers said in a press release. Raj Kumar Gupta, who helmed the first Raid film, is returning to the director’s chair for the follow-up. Vaani Kapoor Treats Herself to Well-Deserved Break in Dubai for 35th Birthday.
View Ajay Devgn’s Post:
New Case, New Beginning! #Raid2 officially kicked off today, and the energy on set was nothing short of electrifying! Shukriya @RaviTeja_offl for gracing the mahurat shot 🤗
In Cinemas on 15th November, 2024. @rajkumar_rkg #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar @KumarMangat…
— Ajay Devgn (@ajaydevgn) January 6, 2024
Raid 2: Vaani Kapoor Joins Ajay Devgn in Raj Kumar Gupta’s Upcoming Film
#AjayDevgn welcomes #VaaniKapoor to the cast of #Raid2. 🙌🏼
— Filmfare (@filmfare) January 8, 2024
The sequel is backed by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, and Kumar Mangat Pathak and Abhishek Pathak under their banners T-Series and Panorama Studios, respectively. The production of Raid 2 is underway and the film will be released in theatres on November 15, 2024.