After appearing in two OTT anthologies Ray and Feels Like Ishq in 2021, Radhika Madan is making her web series debut with Homi Adajania’s Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo. In the ensemble drama, she stars alongside Dimple Kapadia, Isha Talwar and Angira Dhar in the Disney+ Hotstar series. It will premiere on the streaming platform on May 5, 2023. In a recent interaction with Hindustan Times, the actor revealed how it was an honour to work along with the veteran actor Dimple on the show. She shared that watching her perform was like an acting school for her. The two actors had worked together before on Angrezi Medium, which was mostly filmed abroad in London, England.
Also read: Dimple Kapadia wasn’t first choice for Saas Bahu Aur Flamingo, Homi Adajania reveals which actor he wanted to cast
The actor has shared that she gave five rounds of auditions even though she had worked with Homi previously. He had directed Radhika in Angrezi Medium, which was Irrfan Khan’s last film. The film also starred Kareena Kapoor, Dimple Kapadia, Deepak Dobriyal and Ranvir Shorey. In the new Disney+ Hotstar series, she plays Shanta, the daughter of Savitri (Dimple), who is also known as Rani Ba. She runs a drug trade from her home, employing mostly women, in the middle of the salt flatlands. She recruits her daughter and daughters-in-law (Isha and Angira) in the business, while her sons remain in the dark.
Radhika told Hindustan Times, “I think she’s the warmest person that I know and she’s secure in her being that she can offer that kind of love. Just watching her perform is like an acting school I would say. She still gets those jitters and she’s the hardest worker in the room. The way she takes care of everyone, she uplifts everyone. It was such an honour to be in the same frame as her. I’m really really grateful for this experience.”
The actor was last seen in Aasmaan Bhardwaj’s directorial debut Kuttey (2023) with Arjun Kapoor, Tabu and Konkona Sensharma. She has a number of films lined up for release this year including Sanaa, Happy Teacher’s Day and Kacchey Limbu. Radhika is also part of the Hindi remake of the Tamil Soorarai Pottru (2020) opposite Akshay Kumar.