Radha Ashtami, also known as Radha Jayanti, marks the birth of Goddess Radha, the Hindu goddess of love and wealth, often seen as the divine source of power. In 2024, Radha Ashtami will begin when the Ashtami Tithi starts on September 10 at 11:11 PM and will end on September 11 at 11:46 PM, making this the auspicious time to celebrate.
According to Hindu beliefs, Radha Ashtami holds great significance as it commemorates the birth of Radha Rani, an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. On this special day, devotees perform rituals to seek her blessings and honor the pure bond between Radha and Krishna. Here are the rituals to follow for Radha Ashtami.
Rituals to Follow on Radha Ashtami
1. Wake Up in Brahma Muhurta: It is considered the best time to wake up according to Hindu scriptures. After waking up, take a bath, wear clean clothes, and clean the area where Radha Rani will be worshipped.
2. Radha Abhishekam: Perform the Abhishekam (ritual bath) using Gangajal, curd, milk, honey, Tulsi leaves, and ghee. This process purifies the idol and is done with the purest substances.
3. Jewelry and Clothes: After the Abhishekam, dress the idol of Radha in beautiful clothes and jewelry, adorning her with devotion as part of the Shringar ritual.
4. Offer Bhog: Prepare food without onion and garlic and offer it to Radha Rani as Bhog. Once offered, the Bhog becomes Prasad, which should be shared and eaten by all.
5. Mantra to Chant: Recite the Radha Gayatri Mantra: “Om Vrashbhanujaye Vidmahe, Krishnapriyaye Dhimahi, Tanno Radha Prachodayat,” or simply chant “Radha Radha.” If the full mantra is challenging, chanting Radha’s name is considered powerful.
6. Fasting (Optional): Devotees may choose to fast and conclude it by consuming the Charanamrit made during the Abhishekam. You can then partake in the Prasad offered to Radha Rani.
Celebrate with Joy and Devotion
Celebrate Radha Ashtami with devotion by singing bhajans and visiting temples. Remember, the most important aspect is your pure intention and prayer to Radha Rani, as she blesses all who call upon her with a sincere heart.
May this Radha Ashtami bring joy, love, and divine blessings to you and your family!
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