Pune’s maximum temperature touched the season’s high of 41 degree Celsius as the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted for more hot days in the week. The IMD has also issued heatwave warning for Madhya Maharashtra for the next 24 hours.
After a wet April, maximum and minimum temperature for Pune has started rising thanks to the lack of summer rain and moisture in the air. Also night temperature has also been high due to insufficient cooling of the land mass. IMD on Monday has talked of gradual rise in both minimum and maximum temperature in the upcoming days. Pune touched the 40 degree mark for the first time in May. The maximum temperature recorded in Shivajinagar’s observatory was 41 degrees while parts of the city like Koregaon Park(44.4) , Magarpatta (41.7), Dhamdere (43.8) recorded much higher temperature.
As explained earlier, IMD has issued heat wave and asked people to take precaution against heat exposure. The weather office has asked people to avoid going out during 11 am to 3 pm and ensure proper hydration. Also people have been advised to wear light coloured clothes and keep their head covered .
The present heat wave is due to the absence of moisture laden winds which had caused rains in April. The emergence of the cycle MOCHA (pronounced MOKA) over the south west Bay of Bengal has seen moisture laden winds deviating there. The present heat wave conditions is to continue for the next few days. The IMD has forecasted the maximum temperature to be remain in the range of 41 degrees for Friday also.