Officials from the Bharosa Cell of Pune Rural Police on Monday stopped the marriage of a 17-year-old girl with a 24-year-old man in a village in Shirur taluka of Pune district. The police convinced the families of the legal implications of child marriage.
The Bharosa Cell of Pune Rural Police, which provides counselling and legal assistance to children, women and the elderly, had received information that a 17-year girl and a 24-year-old man from Shirur taluka were going to get married in a village located around 90 km from Pune city on Monday.
A team led by Assistant Police Inspector Madhavi Deshmukh, in-charge of the Bharosa Cell, approached both the families. “…We told them about the social, personal and legal implications of child marriage, including action under Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006. We also told them about options of the girl pursuing a vocational training course if she was not interested in studies. Such training can help her be financially independent in the future.”