The police in Pune Friday registered a non-cognizable offence after two neighbours in Shivajinagar area quarrelled over a pet parrot owned by one of them. The other neighbour has alleged that the bird was “making noise and causing trouble” to him.
A case in this regard has been registered at Khadki police station. The two neighbours have houses facing each other in Mahatma Gandhi Vasahat in Shivajinagar. The complainant in the case is a 72-year-old man.
The complainant has told the police that his neighbour has a parrot that makes irritating noises all the time. He alleged that when he asked the neighbour to take the parrot to another place, the neighbour hurled abuses at him and threatened to harm him.
When contacted, Dattatray Chavan, the in-charge of Khadki police station, confirmed that a non-cognizable offence has been registered based on the complaint filed by the septuagenarian. The police have invoked Sections 504 (intentional insult) and 506 (criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code.
In the case of a non-cognizable offence, the police require a court’s nod to initiate probe and arrest the persons named in the case, as against cognizable offence where the police can initiate action on their own.