Pune, January 17: Nine people were killed in a road accident in the Narayangaon area of Pune on Friday, said the police. The accident occurred after a truck dashed a car from behind which further collided with a bus which was stationed, said Pune Rural Police SP Pankaj Deshmukh. Meanwhile, Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis expressed grief over the incident and announced financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh each to the next of kin of the deceased. Pune-Nashik Highway Road Accident: 9 Killed As Minivan Rams Into Stationary Bus in Maharashtra (Watch Video).
Pune-Nashik Highway Road Accident
Junnar, Maharashtra: Nine people died in a collision between a mini van and a stationary bus near Narayangaon on the Pune-Nashik Highway. The incident occurred around 10 am on Friday pic.twitter.com/7TbkXzbnaL
— IANS (@ians_india) January 17, 2025
“The tragic incident of the death of 9 workers in a horrific accident near Narayangaon on the Pune-Nashik highway is very unfortunate. I pay my heartfelt tributes to them. We share the grief of their families,” Fadnavis said in a post on X. “I pray for the speedy recovery of the injured. Financial assistance of Rs 5 lakh will be provided to the heirs of the deceased from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund. I have told the Pune Superintendent of Police to take proper care of the treatment of the injured.”
(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, Today News 24 Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)
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