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Pune man fined Rs 500 for feeding pigeons, PMC says ‘unnatural growth’ of birds a health hazard


The health department of Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has started imposing a fine of Rs 500 on citizens feeding pigeons in public places such as footpaths, public squares, or riverbeds.

The civic body wants to check the abnormal growth seen in the pigeon population in the city and the health hazards it poses, especially in spreading respiratory illnesses.

On Thursday morning, a resident of Marigold Society in Kalyani Nagar had to cough up Rs 500 when he reached a known pigeon spot on Central Avenue to feed the birds.

“We imposed a Rs 500 fine on just one resident as of now. Around ten others were sent away after counselling and showing them the penalty receipt to display our seriousness on this matter,” said divisional sanitary inspector Mukund Gham.

The public and pigeons have become used to feeding at the spot, and people argue with officials when stopped from feeding pigeons, said Gham.

“But we tell them about the health hazard and try to persuade them,” he added.

PMC assistant medical health officer Dr Kalpana Baliwant said an “unnatural growth” has been seen in the pigeon population and the birds’ droppings could cause spread of diseases.

“The irrational growth in the pigeon population is causing trouble to the public, especially the elderly and those suffering from respiratory illnesses, as their feces is a source of allergens. We received complaints from citizens in this regard. A month ago, we publicly appealed to people not to feed pigeons in public places. “We have now decided to take punitive action against the violators to discourage public feeding of the birds,” said Dr Baliwant.

Thane and Panvel municipal corporations in Maharashtra had also taken similar decisions to impose fines on those who feed pigeons.

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