Pune city police have arrested a member of the Papa Inamdar gang for allegedly grabbing land in Kondhwa area and demanding Rs 91 lakhs for vacating it.
Police have identified the accused as Musa Kamruddin Inamdar (40), resident of Inamdar Wada in Kondhwa.
An offence in this case has been lodged at the Kondhwa police station as per sections 385, 447, 341, 34 of the Indian Penal Code.
As per a press release issued by the Pune city police, Papa Nabi Inamdar and his gang members Musa Inamdar, Rupchandan Bhimaji Gajre, Rafiq Inamdar, Ayaz Shaikh grabbed 91 gunthas of land by putting up a board on it.
Then they allegedly demanded Rs 91 lakhs from the land owner for releasing their possession and settling the issue. The complainant approached the police for help.
Then a crime branch team led by senior police inspector Balaji Pandhare initiated investigation into this case. Cops arrested Musa and search is on for the other accused persons.
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