The Pune rural police have launched a murder probe after the body of an unidentified man tied to a large rock with ropes and wires was recently found in a lake in Baramati taluka.
An FIR has been registered in the case at Baramati Taluka police station. The police have invoked Indian Penal Code sections pertaining to murder and causing the disappearance of evidence. On the afternoon of May 25, the officials from Baramati Taluka police station received a call from locals that they had spotted a body in the water of a lake in Shirsuphal village near Baramati.
“The body is of an unidentified male, whose age is somewhere between 30 and 40. The body was tied to a large rock with nylon ropes and wires… Preliminary examination shows no other prominent injury marks. The initial probe suggests that it is a case of murder. We have launched a probe,” said Deputy Superintendent of Police (Baramati Division) Ganesh Ingale.
A suo motu FIR was registered on behalf of the Pune rural police by Sub Inspector Dattatray Lendve. Police officials said that an autopsy has been performed and the viscera have been preserved for chemical analysis and histopathology examination.