One of the senior most actors of Malayalam film industry Poojappura Ravi passed away at Marayoor in Idukki district on Sunday. He was 86. Ravi who was living in his ancestral residence at Poojapura in Thiruvananthapuram shifted to his daughter’s residence at Marayoor in Idukki district after his son Harikumar and family shifted to Dublin in Ireland due to the professional commitments. Jamuna Passes Away at 86; Mahesh Babu Mourns the Death of the Legendary Telugu Actress.
Poojappura Ravi acted in more than 800 movies. His last movie was Guppy in which pan India actor, Tovino Thomas was the hero. He commenced his career through Kalanilayam drama troupe of late NK Achary who was one of the doyens of Malayalam theatres. Ravi then migrated to the film industry and was a presence in almost all the movies. Jamuna Dies at 86; Veteran Telugu Actress Was Known for Her Roles in Milan, Mooga Manasula Among Others.
The actor was given a send off in December 2022 when he was shifting his residence from Thiruvananthapuram to Idukki. The funeral of the deceased actor is not yet finalised and relatives said that it will be announced later.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jun 18, 2023 03:49 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website