Photocatalytic C–H activation and the subtle role of chlorine radical complexation in reactivity

A complex role for chlorine radicals

Radicals are atoms or molecules that are highly reactive because they have an unpaired electron. A common means of investigating whether they are involved in a particular reaction is to try to trap them with an acceptor compound. Yang et al. reinvestigated a photoinduced alkane oxidation reaction for which a trapping study had previously implicated alkoxy radicals. Their spectroscopic, kinetic, and isotopic labeling studies revealed that chlorine, rather than alkoxy, was the key radical intermediate; the prior trapping results had stemmed from its complexation with alcohols.

Science, abd8408, this issue p. 847


The functionalization of methane, ethane, and other alkanes derived from fossil fuels is a central goal in the chemical enterprise. Recently, a photocatalytic system comprising [CeIVCl5(OR)]2− [CeIV, cerium(IV); OR, –OCH3 or –OCCl2CH3] was disclosed. The system was reportedly capable of alkane activation by alkoxy radicals (RO•) formed by CeIV–OR bond photolysis. In this work, we present evidence that the reported carbon-hydrogen (C–H) activation of alkanes is instead mediated by the photocatalyst [NEt4]2[CeCl6] (NEt4+, tetraethylammonium), and RO• are not intermediates. Spectroscopic analyses and kinetics were investigated for C–H activation to identify chlorine radical (Cl•) generation as the rate-limiting step. Density functional theory calculations support the formation of [Cl•][alcohol] adducts when alcohols are present, which can manifest a masked RO• character. This result serves as an important cautionary note for interpretation of radical trapping experiments.

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