Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has summoned Patna district magistrate Chandrashekhar Singh and senior police superintendent Rajeev Mishra on August 30 over the alleged lathi charge of Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders, including Member of Parliament (MP) Janardhan Sigriwal, during a protest on July 13.
The BJP has maintained that the lathi charge left a functionary of the party, Vijay Kumar Singh, dead and several others including Sigriwal injured. The Patna administration cited his post-mortem and said the functionary died of heart disease and complications related to it.
Birla summoned Chandrashekhar Singh and Mishra after Sigriwal filed a complaint citing an alleged conspiracy to kill him and police assault despite identifying himself as an MP. Sigriwal said he suffered head injuries.
BJP leader Arvind Singh said the two have been summoned over the injuries Sigriwal and others suffered on July 13. “The Speaker wants to know what lead to the lathi charge.”
Mishra said he has no information about any summons even as the Speaker’s secretariat confirmed that the two have been asked to appear before Birla on August 30.