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Parenting tips: 5 things to teach your children by the age of 5; psychologist explains


Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

  • From asserting their body boundaries to expressing their emotions in respectful ways, here are a few things we should teach our children.


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Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

In parenting, it is important to remember to break patterns of generational dysfunction by making secure connections emotionally and mentally with the child. “Breaking generational cycles of insecure connection is about more than simply doing things differently than the previous generation. It’s about being different in our sense of selves, stories, and emotional regulation,” wrote Therapist Eli Harwood.(Unsplash)


We must help them expand their vocabulary and communication skills to express their emotions in respectful ways. (Pexels)expand-iconView Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

We must help them expand their vocabulary and communication skills to express their emotions in respectful ways. (Pexels)


We should teach them how to assert their body boundaries. We must also incorporate lessons where they learn to respect the space and boundaries of others. (Unsplash)expand-iconView Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

We should teach them how to assert their body boundaries. We must also incorporate lessons where they learn to respect the space and boundaries of others. (Unsplash)


When they start to feel overwhelmed, they should learn about various coping skills such as taking a break or pausing before saying things. (Photo by Working Solutions)expand-iconView Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

When they start to feel overwhelmed, they should learn about various coping skills such as taking a break or pausing before saying things. (Photo by Working Solutions)


We should teach them that through mistakes they get to learn. They should learn to be persistent and strive to get to their goals. (Unsplash)expand-iconView Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

We should teach them that through mistakes they get to learn. They should learn to be persistent and strive to get to their goals. (Unsplash)


A child who learns how to contribute to their family and community in meaningful ways learns to be mindful and respectful.(Unsplash)expand-iconView Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Jun 07, 2024 11:52 AM IST

A child who learns how to contribute to their family and community in meaningful ways learns to be mindful and respectful.(Unsplash)

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