Pakistan, Afghanistan Forces Exchange Fire at Kandahar Crossing Point

Pakistan, Afghanistan Forces Exchange Fire at Kandahar Crossing Point

Kabul, April 27: Afghans and Pakistan troops opened fire at each other on Monday at Kandahar. According to Afghanistan times news, “Afghan and Pakistani troops opened fire at each other on Monday at a crossing point in Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province in the south.”

Officials in Kandahar confirmed the Monday clashes between Afghan and Pakistani forces, saying it occurred in the Loqman village of Spin Boldak and lasted for several hours, as reported by Afghanistan times. Afghanistan Peace Process Jeopardised by ‘Presence of Taliban Fighters’ in Pakistan: Afghan Foreign Ministry.

Later, Gholam Yahya Alavi, spokesman of the 205 Atal army corps based in Kandahar, confirmed the attack and open fire among the countries. He told Afghanistan times that “the clash was over and Pakistani troops were pushed back.”

Alavi said that “one Afghan soldier was injured and a vehicle was damaged, but could not offer an exact number of Pakistan forces’ casualties,” reported Afghanistan Times.

The Afghan and Pakistani forces have confronted each other twice since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan which started on April 13, at the crossing points as Pakistani forces tried to cross the Durand Line and fence the crossing line, according to Afghan officials.

However, Pakistani officials did not comment on the incident so far, reported Afghanistan times.

(This is an unedited and auto-generated story from Syndicated News feed, Today News 24 Staff may not have modified or edited the content body)

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