Indore (Madhya Pradesh): About 10 per cent of students from the primary sections in Indore showed up for the first day of school on Tuesday. Schools were permitted to open their doors to the primary classes on Monday and Classes I to V started in Madhya Pradesh on Monday. But the schools in Indore did not open due to a local holiday.
According to the guidelines, classes were to be held on the first day with 50 per cent capacity. Permission from the children’s parents was mandatory for them to attend school. Following the instructions of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Classes I to V have been permitted to resume in the state.
Guidelines have been issued by the state education centre regarding the opening of classes for young children. Lokesh Jangid, additional mission director of the state education centre, said the children of the second class would be taught the old syllabus of the first class only.
Being the first day, the turnout of children in all the classes was very low. The children were admitted to their classes only after submitting the consent letter from their parents to the schools.
Stressing that the children are very young, teachers have repeatedly asked students to follow strict Covid-19 protocols. They were reminded not to take off their masks and to keep social distance.
‘It’s necessary for us to take the consent forms from parents according to the rules and we can’t take any risks’
Gopal Soni, state vice-president of the Association of MP Private Schools
Fewer students since it was Day 1
‘There were 290 children from Class I to V. The number of children was very few, since it was the the first day Today, only about 10 per cent of the children have come and the children were admitted to their classes only after we received the consent letters of their parents’
Yogesh Dhande, upper division teacher of Excellence School (Bal Vinay Mandir UM Vidyalaya)
No buses yet, consent letters checked first
Since buses are still not plying, parents came to drop off the children to school.
As the parents came to the schools, they were asked to submit the consent form.
Those who had not brought it were provided another form for written consent.
All the consent forms were verified before the children were allowed into school.
It was made mandatory for all the children to sanitise their hands and wear masks.
Kids happy, teachers worried
With the start of classes from I to V, some children were very happy when they reached their school.
Holding their parents’ hands, bags hung on the back, the children reached school with happy faces.
The joy of coming to school after such a long time was clearly visible on the faces of some children.
At the same time, the teachers were a more than little worried about the risks faced by small children.
The teachers, in fact, were frightened about handling the children in the class and ensuring their safety.
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Published on: Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 02:32 AM IST