Actor Emraan Hashmi is on a roll. He is all set to make his Telugu debut with Pawan Kalyan-starrer OG. “I am excited to embark on this new journey with OG. The movie has a strong and gripping script and it offers me a challenging role that I am looking forward to working with Pawan Kalyan sir, Sujeeth, Danayya sir and the team. I am confident that we will create a memorable cinematic experience for the audience,” Emraan said in a statement. Emraan Hashmi in OG: Tiger 3 Actor to Play a ‘Badass’ in Pawan Kalyan’s Upcoming Film.
Emraan will be seen playing the role of the antagonist in the film, which is directed by Sujeeth under DVV Entertainments banner. The film also has veteran actor Prakash Raj in a prominent role. Not only in OG Emraan will also be seen playing a villain in Salman Khan-starrer Tiger 3. OG: Pawan Kalyan aka PSPK Joins the Sets of Director Sujeeth’s Film! (View Pics)
Check Out The Poster Of Emraan Hashmi Here:
When we have the #OG, we should also have a badass who is powerful and striking… 🔥🔥🤙🏻
Presenting you all, the nemesis @EmraanHashmi! #FireStormIsComing 🔥#TheyCallHimOG 💥
— DVV Entertainment (@DVVMovies) June 15, 2023
However, the makers have not officially revealed any information about his character yet. Tiger 3, the third part of the Tiger franchise, is being directed by Maneesh Sharma. The film will release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu this Diwali. The upcoming actioner stars Emraan Hashmi as the antagonist. Katrina is also a part of the film.