October 2024 Guru Pushya Nakshatra: Zodiac rituals for prosperity and spiritual growth before Dhanteras

Guru Pushya Nakshatra, when the Moon is in Pushya Nakshatra on a Thursday, will occur on October 24, 2024, enhancing opportunities for spiritual and financial prosperity. Rituals for each zodiac sign are suggested to align with these celestial energies, promoting wealth and personal growth.

Among the most fortunate combinations is Guru Pushya Nakshatra. This day is considered when Moon is transiting through the ‘Pushya Nakshatra’ and the day is Thursday (ruled by Jupiter).

Guru Pushya Nakshatra Before Dhanteras 2024

This year in 2024, Guru Pushya Nakshatra would be coming on Oct 24, 2024 just a few days before the Dhanteras 2024.
This celestial event magnifies energy for both spiritual development and financial prosperity, hence it is the perfect moment to carry out particular rituals, pujas, and mantras to coincide with higher heavenly forces and so draw earthly success.

This Guru Pushya Nakshatra, let us give new boost to financial abundance & prosperity with rituals curated for each zodiac sign:

For Aries, whose planet of rule is Mars, focusing the energetic, action-oriented energy is essential. Starting the day with a ritual bath and completing a “Mangal Homa,” (fire ceremony honoring Mars), on Guru Pushya Nakshatra Chanting the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” 108 times and presenting red flowers and lighting red candles will help to improve spiritual clarity and increase your inner drive for success. Reducing the consumption of hot foods or fasting will also assist the fiery Aries character on this day regulate itself.
Venues-ruled Taurus lives best in harmony and with material comfort. Doing a Lakshmi Puja is quite good on Guru Pushya Nakshatra. Ask Goddess Lakshmi for material prosperity starting with a gift of lotus flowers and delectable rice pudding. Chanting the mantra “Om Shreem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha” 108 times will call forth blessings for financial consistency. Taurus people should also concentrate on giving the less fortunate food or clothing since this altruistic deed will foster both material and spiritual benefits.
For Gemini governed by Mercury, intellect and communication are the secrets to success. Meditate with the mantra “Om Budhaya Namaha” on Guru Pushya Nakshatra to improve intellectual clarity and sense of judgment. Seeking intelligence and eloquence, Gemini residents should present white flowers and ghee lamps to Goddess Saraswati at their Saraswati Puja. On this day, list your objectives for both spiritual and financial success and sing them as affirmations to assist bring these dreams to pass.
Your emotions and intuition are intimately linked to this day since the Moon rules cancer. Doing a Chandra Puja—Moon worship—on Guru Pushya Nakshatra might assist to harmonize emotions and open a road for spiritual development. Under the moonlight, chanting the mantra “Om Chandraya Namaha” 108 times and providing water to a silver cup would help you to relax. Give the underprivileged milk and white rice to draw material riches; this nourishes your spirit and karmic richness.
Leo, under the Sun, exudes power and authority. Doing a Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) at sunrise on Guru Pushya Nakshatra would help you to line up with heavenly energies. Offer water to a copper vessel then recite the mantra “Om Suryaya Namaha” 108 times. Offer yellow flowers to Lord Shiva after doing a Rudra Abhishekam—anointing the Shiva Lingam with water and milk—to call both spiritual and material success. This will enable you with outer success as well as inner strength.
For the Mercury-ruled Virgo, the energy of Guru Pushya Nakshatra should be channeled for service and personal development. Starting your day with a meditation on the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” will help you to find inner clarity. Do a Ganesh Puja to clear roadblocks in both material and spiritual projects. Presenting Lord Ganesha with green grass and sweets while singing “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” can bring blessings for wealth and the seamless realization of your aims.
For Venus-ruled Libra, harmony and balance are absolutely vital. Shree Yantra Puja performed on Guru Pushya Nakshatra can draw both material and spiritual plenty. Lighting a ghee lamp, decorate the Shree Yantra with white and pink flowers, saying the mantra “Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Mahalakshmiyei Namaha” 108 times. Think about doing a little charity, like feeding the poor or supporting a temple, to magnify both inside and outside harmony. Your mental and financial well-being will show benefits from your kind deed.
For the Mars-ruled Scorpio, Guru Pushya Nakshatra presents an unusual chance to turn intensity into triumph. Start the day with a meditation on your inner metamorphosis; then, present water to a Shiva Lingam and repeat the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” 108 times. Perform a Navagraha Puja—worship of the nine planets—especially emphasizing Mars—to draw material success. Declaring “Om Kujaya Namaha” and presenting red fruits can help you to increase your will and clear challenges in your material and spiritual life.
Rising under Jupiter, Sagittarius naturally connects with Guru Pushya Nakshatra. Recite the mantra “Om Gurave Namaha” first thing in the morning to match Jupiter’s vitality. Perform a Dattatreya Puja, Lord Dattatreya is the combined form of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, so signifying the ultimate balance of spiritual and material realms, so fostering both spiritual wisdom and material prosperity. While reciting “Om Dram Dattatreyaya Namaha,” presenting yellow flowers and sandalwood incense to a Dattatreya statue or image will offer divine blessing for both sides of life.
For Capricorn ruled by Saturn, Guru Pushya Nakshatra marks an opportunity to emphasize endurance and long-term achievement. Start your process with a meditation emphasizing discipline and patience. Offering red flowers and burning mustard oil lamps, do a Hanuman Puja 108 times singing “Om Hanumate Namaha” to call for strength and protection. Giving the underprivileged black lentils or sesame seeds would also help to dissolve previous karma and draw material success in a consistent, sustainable way.
Ruled by Saturn, Aquarius should concentrate on humanitarian work on Guru Pushya Nakshatra. Start your day with a Rudra Abhishekam—anointing the Shiva Lingam—then repeat the mantra “Om Namah Shivaya” 108 times to call for spiritual development. Offer black sesame seeds and light a sesame oil lamp while chanting “Om Sham Shanaye Namaha,” to draw material success—a Shani Puja—worship of Saturn. This will clear your path from challenges and guarantee both material and spiritual gains.
For Jupiter-ruled Pisces, Guru Pushya Nakshatra is a period for thorough exploration of spiritual disciplines. Start the day with a meditation or prayer centred on inner serenity; repeat “Om Gurave Namaha” 108 times to call Jupiter’s blessings. Reciter the mantra “Om Namo Narayanaya” while doing a Vishnu Puja presenting yellow flowers and tulsi leaves. This will create access to material plenty as well as spiritual illumination. Giving food to Brahmins or animals would also help you to increase your spiritual qualities and bring luck into your life.
This article is written by, Sidhharrth S Kumaar, Registered Pharmacist, Astro Numerologist, Life & Relationship Coach, Vaastu Expert, Energy Healer, Music Therapist, and Founder, NumroVani.

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