Nushrratt Bharuccha recently took to her Instagram account to share pictures from her newest fashion outing. The Chhorii actress who’s busy receiving rave reviews for her last digital outing stunned us with her sartorial choice and we mean it in a good way, of course. Nushrratt rose to prominence post her stint in Luv Ranjan’s Pyar Ka Punchnama series and later in Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety. While the actress in her continues to work and sharpen her acting abilities, the fashionista in her continues to impress the fashion critics. Chhorii Sequel in Works at Amazon; Nushrratt Bharuccha and Director Vishal Furia Set to Return.
Nushrratt’s newest fashion outing is a co-ord set from the house of The Iaso. It’s a cute, pink tie-dye set that includes a mini skirt, a bandeau top and a matching jacket. The actress further styled it by pairing it with matching heels. Nude lips, contoured cheeks, light eye makeup, well-defined brows and poker-straight hair completed her look further. We don’t know about you folks but we are most definitely digging this new uber cool look of hers. Nushrratt Bharuccha Takes Us On a Bohemian Spin and We’re Loving Every Bit of It (View Pics).
Nushrratt Bharuccha
Nushrratt Bharuccha (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Coming to Nushrratt’s professional life, the actress will be next seen in Ram Setu with Akshay Kumar and Jacqueline Fernandez. The actress has already started shooting for it but is yet to wrap it. The film is scheduled to hit the screens on Diwali 2022.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 24, 2022 09:00 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website